Title: Manuscript Cartography by Exotic Settlers (original manuscript made into art)

On the Artwork

ON THE ARTWORK - Manuscript Cartography by Exotic Settlers

The splatter paint over the faded pencil asks about the depth of the viewer. The viewer who chooses to go further than the paint enters into the experimental cartographic space where the name for this piece derives. While the content of the writing is obscured by the splatter paint, to view past the paint engages the viewer in multiple art forms as they clash (overlap) and harmonize (reveal new patterns and phrasings).

The choice of blue and green represent the sky and earth, as they are defined by this peculiar impression of their “settlement,” on the page. The sky and earth being part of a “settlement” connotes an entire world being impressed over the original impression on the page (the writing).

While settlement is often perceived as a calculated and technical mark of progress, it is in this sense being re-defined as an improvised chaos of pure human expression through the spontaneous splatter onto the penciled words, which originated on the page independently of any painting idea.

The splatter paint, in effect, embodies the “settler,” and its multi-colored facet further emphasizes its exoticism against the subdued writing.

While both the writing and the paint are part of spontaneous, fully improvised art forms of pure expression, the piece asks to defy the viewer’s preconceived notions of settlers as plain and understood and more; asks who the viewer resonates with, the settler or immediately observable and colorful expression (paint) or the original impression on the page which requires a bit more effort to engage with (writing).

The themes embedded within the paint and the writing, however, are expressed equally spontaneously and share the same space, either harmoniously or not relative to the viewer’s opinion, which aims at not presupposing any superiority between expressions of origination and settlement.



Exotic Settlers charts the journey of experiencing the naturally transformative process of ending a period of transitional residence, and beginning to live in one place exclusively.

Questions of home, travel and what is foreign are approached creatively through a lens adjusted through self-reflection on these themes, which led to my own "settlement" within, as I have become more permanently resident in a specific place.

The transitional effect lingers psychologically whereby there are character archetypes and features of personal experience, which fade away and leave only a bitter nostalgia in their place, striking as a whiplash wound. This sensation is frequently common to those who stand their ground.

The concepts of the "settler" and normative stereotypes of the "exotic" are placed in abstract, sometimes jarring contexts as to displace fixed notions about any respective moral judgment.

The experimental verse goes through a process of intensified critique on our historic way of life as North American settlers and focuses this critique especially at our notions of the "other."

By the end of the collection, there is neither strict closure nor resolve about a permanent sense of home, only a greater awareness of perspective as it lies sometimes firmly, but mostly without any grasp on any actual "thing" on a ground of experimental, flowing, spontaneous expressions in language.

Divorce & Diaspora

a hunger in the eyes, yet not a hunger,
a starvation follows, breathing, chewing its way into rotting stomach
issuing from my neighbor's cold breath

my head is flying through
with whispers so dense and strong,
aching my internal fibers
beyond depiction, beyond song

as a family

there is a cold numbing in my brain, a freezing
typical, stifling growth, inspiration and direction
a fatigue bloating my masculine anger
on into the emotional night

of a child
what's to be done?
who's decision is it to make?
grief, neglect, necessity
I, the patient

touch the waters and skies
bleed with animals
faint underneath low ceilings
high on grainy human perception

a weakness, un-obscured
brief, yet present
at my front door
I exit.

Never once stayed,
never more,
alone or gathering
fasting or gluttonous
frequent or seldom
my relationship to G-d
through the father
through the mother
mere friends on the pathless journey
to a mute, forsaken realm of America
enjoying half of the country's conditioning
to be wealthy with room, space to kill time
and hoard the emotional struggle of all who you know
and one day, can never forget you
because of how you knew them
like your own

child, spouse or parent
what does not fit?


a curse for the short-tempered
and horny
savioress in urge
minding her business of divinity,
religious poverty,
or sanctified purification

to sacrifice that most precious connection
and sever the psychic wellness
crucial to every gut intuition
knowing full well
the end meaning behind a Divorce without reason

It is those two themes in my life,
beyond belief, actually incredible,
a meaningful bond,
and Diaspora

How clever,
a mind at ease with separation
in this interdependent world,
originating from seed, egg and emptiness,
a purity, metaphorical, mythological


viscerally demurred past all recognition,
ransacked blood lust,
a tribal secret,
whose path became muddied with pleasure,
bent out of shape in the blue-eyed Semite,
longing for greener pasture,
to see the other,
to smooth over the blank facade,
behind closed doors
behind the theatre's curtain
behind tower's ranging over the rocky north,
challenging my arrival,
a planetary dissolution,
wavering on the edge,
deemed a wanderer,
stolen soul,
dreamer in artistic wonderland,
or violent binge-seeking parasite,
working miracles inside a silenced freedom,
without home, or conceived place
guiding mundane goals,
roaming vagrant, or seer,
yet still unripe,
recently fallen
from knowledge,
into wish, luck, intuition, and the all ecstatic

bellowing "good and evil are through"
impaled by the one breath,
strange yet true
early morning soundscapes
tremble the fragile veins,
and my bowels welcome a certain becoming
to strive
work, or play
find profundity,
in moment's movement,
to the music,
spontaneously aroused,
droning to the hoarse calls that vibrate your thunderous being,
lurching and vomiting until health subsumes,
by a fragrant, lush
swarming mind,
roasting earth's might,
cauldron's steaming with western art,
blooming cold oceanic mind,
and the breeze chimes sweet
to the tune and flesh
healing itself, slowly,
with deliberate merging,
into the all-encompassing horizon,
moonless, sunless, starless,
a living air,
invisible except for an unmistakable scent,
feeding the absent strumstress
high above,
creating women, men, and law,
pouring sacred ceremonial springs over the open-mouthed
and ponderous
who mean to wake from their repressed fugitive body,
and pay homage,
to ancestor's paths,
who suffered and vocalized,
compromising family,
worse than divorce,
for the sake of beauty, learning and treasures,
to pass down, and keep
within hearts,
to feel together,
beyond death,
in death, and after death
who before time,
and throughout time,
and in this moment,
drank the juices from the bitter herb,
fled from bondage,
to a freedom beyond the human family,
to a passage beyond need,
to a ship that carried no one,
and yet harbored the spirit of the animal,
in all its forms,
throughout the known universe,
into the home of a single man,
living atop a mountain,
dreaming in the orbital spawn,
a satellite, the globe itself,
winding round, predictably,
to the course of light,
ending with beginning and finding us along the way
on the way,
all along

March 5, 2011
 First wedding witnessed since age 6 when my Mother married again

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for pointing me to this "ship that carried no one." Your poems always bring that frisson where neither the mind nor the heart can resolve things, the drama as it were is the conflict between them. Genealogy charts always make humans look like salmon, we only exist for the end point where the next generation, born to die, emerges. Through all the hardships of old, the economic, religious and environmental diasporas, that idea of a seeded soul extending through another spring underlies so much of the hope we create in our lives. The modern institution of divorce puts a monkey-wrench into that -- what is our identity when people come and go in our lives as everything else? We grow apart but also a part through the process of individuation. What, then, is the "freedom beyond the human family"? What meaning is left in ritual oils, natural laws, and lovesick goals?
